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Documentation Guidelines

The Office of Accessible Education will review and consider all pieces of documentation submitted for academic accommodation requests.

Documentation will assist OAE in understanding how the disability impacts the student in an academic setting and the current impact of the disability as it relates to the accommodations requested. Reviewing documentation is a collaborative process and is handled on a case-to-case basis.

There are multiple ways to provide OAE with documentation of your disability. Documentation should provide proof of diagnosis and/or prior accommodations. OAE follows the guidance from the on documentation review and accommodation approval.

Submitting Documentation

Students should submit at least one of the following:
  • OAE Disability Verification Form
  • IEP/504 plan
  • Medical records / patient portal diagnostic summary
  • Letter from a healthcare professional, on letterhead, which confirms a diagnosis
  • Accommodation letter from previous postsecondary institution
  • Full evaluation/diagnostic report (e.g. Psycho-educational evaluation)

The following information is helpful in order to determine the best possible accommodations and supports:

  • Specific diagnosis/disability
  • Severity of the disorder (mild/moderate/severe)
  • Medication or treatment currently prescribed
  • Recommended accommodations that may assist the student in minimizing the impact of the condition in an academic setting.

Temporary/Provisional Accommodations

Students with temporary injuries, such as a broken leg/arm, concussion, or surgery recovery can register with and receive services through OAE on a temporary basis.

In unique situations, provisional accommodations may be approved for students who can provide evidence of actively engaging in the diagnostic process. These provisional accommodations are typically approved for one semester, and may later be approved on a permanent basis upon receipt of appropriate documentation.

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